Brown Golf Growing Again
Adds Willowbrook in Catasauqua, Pa.
By Dave Daubert
Brown Golf(BGM), with its corporate office located in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, has announced a new addition to its growing portfolio-Willow Brook Golf Course in Catasauqua, Pa. BGM now has 29 golf courses spanning seven states.
Willow Brook Golf Course is often considered the hidden gem in the Lehigh Valley. Surrounded by the majestic Willow Brook Equestrian Farm and the rambling Catasauqua Creek running through, the course offers a uniquely serene golfing experience for an unparalleled value. The par 70, 6,000 yard has nice elevation changes with fairways bordered by mature Willow, Sycamore and Pine trees and quick, well maintained bent-grass greens situated on 324 acres. The clubhouse has a lounge, restaurant and golf pro shop. Visit GolfWillowBrook.com.
CEO John Brown says, "Willow Brook has a unique setting that is going to provide much more than just a golf experience. We have plans to use the renovated Food & Beverage space that overlooks the golf course for family functions and events. We also plan to tap into the historical nature of the property itself. Where else do you see a combination of golf, F & B, a working farm, a historic lime kiln, championship quarter horses and a rodeo in one picturesque setting? We are excited to tell the story of the property."
In addition, BGM plans to integrate Willow Brook into its Sales & Marketing ecosystem, aptly named "BG Drive" which will instantly allow for the already exciting Willow Brook Golf Course to reach new audiences, allowing the staff more time to focus on the customer experience.
Brent Miller, Sales & Marketing Director added, "Our company is committed to providing our operators with time-saving tools and support that elevate both the bottom line and the customer experience."
BGM's presence in the Northeast continues to grow as five facilities have been added since 2018. John adds, "I am extremely excited about our continued growth in the daily fee arena. Our BG Drive platform creates an instant impact. This program coupled with the incredible quality of clubs we have added is creating something special." Our other clubs in the Northeast include:
Green Mountain National Golf Club- Killington, VT.
Great Bear Golf Club-Stroudsburg, PA.
Lederach Golf Club-Harleysville, PA
Royal Manchester Golf Links-Mount Wolf, PA
Visit BrownGolfManagement.com for more information.
Revised: 11/19/2019 - Article Viewed 13,353 Times
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About: Dave Daubert
David has been writing about golf since the turn of the century. He was Managing Editor at a regional golf magazine for 11 years, published in Canada, the IAGTO and a Staff Writer for The Georgia Golf Trail. His insightful perspective brings golf to life.